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Fundamentals of Transistors (Part-1)

Transistor: Basic building blocks in all of the electronics. MOSFET Cross Sectional view: MOSFET Top view: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. Fabricated on a p-type Silicon. n-channel transistor (shown above): Source (S) of charge carriers. Drain (D). Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) thin Gate in between: Applying enough voltage will turn-on the transistor. Top view, in the above figure, shows source and the drain on left and right, respectively. Gate in the middle. Current is proportional to the width - more width (W) = more current. Initial transistors were discrete, packaged up inside a package with a few leads, and electronic circuits were made using these (shown below). Initial Integrated Circuits were put into a single slab of silicon called a silicon chip, and wired. First chip example - Intel's 4004 microprocessor with 2300 transistors wired together (shown below). 4004 Image Courtesy - Intel. Considering the transistor as a black box with silicon inside it containing

Electronics Fundamentals: All About Resistors (Part-1)

RFIC Design: AC/DC Transistor Simulations using ADS (Keysight)