- 0 (False)
- 1 (True)
- X (Don't Care, Unknown logic value)
- Z (High Impedance value, Open Circuit)
Data types in Verilog (work for System Verilog as well):
- Reg
- Store combinational and sequential values.
- Holds 4 state values (0, 1, X, Z).
- Assigned in procedural code block.
reg [7:0] r1;
- Wire
- connects parts of a design.
- Holds 4 state values.
wire [15:0] w;
- Input, Output, Inout (Wire Type)
- Declaration of input, output and bidirectional ports of a module.
input a;
output b;
inout c;
- Int (Integer)
- Keyword integer, it can be assign with an integer value.
- They are mainly used for loops - indices, parameters, constants.
integer f;
assign f=35;
- Supply0, Supply1
- Defines wires tied to logic 0 (ground) and logic 1 (power)
- These are useful while describing the hardware in terms of transistors.
supply1 pwr;
supply0 gnd;
- Time
- Only for simulation purpose and not used for synthesis.
- It can hold the current simulation time.
time t;
t=$time; //here $time describes the current simulation time in simulation tool.
- Parameter
- It allows constants like length of a word to be defined symbolically in a single place which makes it easier to change later on.
parameter WIDTH = 32;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] v;
Data types in System Verilog:
- An extension of reg type called 'logic' is used.
- All the logic variables can be written either by one continuous assignment (assign) or by one or more procedural statements (always).
- Holds 4 state values
- It cannot be driven with multiple drivers.
- String
- It is not synthesizable and can only be used for simulation purpose (to manipulate the string).
- Supports a large number of inbuilt methods to work with and these are used when you write testbench code for the program.
string s;
- Always use "logic" in your code and examples to make your life easy.
User defined data types:
- Enumerations: to define your own datatype.
- Assigns a symbolic name to each legal value taken by the data type.
- Example: enum{IDLE, BUSY, ACTIVE} states;
- Enumerated methods
- Structures and Unions: to collect different types of data under the same name.
- Collection of different data types.
- All members in union shares the same memory space.
- Typedef: to define your own datatype.
- Defines user defined identifiers that can be used in place of type specifiers.
Comments and Numbers:
- Comments
- One line comments: double slash //
- Block comments: Enclose comments between the characters /* and */
- Numbers
- Integer constants and Real constants.
- Number storage is defined as the number of bits, but the values can be assigned in decimal, binary, octal or hexadecimal.
e.g. 1>
e.g. 2>
e.g. 3>
int a;
logic [2:0] a;
logic [3:0] a;
logic [1:0] a;
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