TLM interfaces supported:
- Grouping all the information needed to communicate between two components.
- A class object that includes necessary information needed for communication between two components.
- A Simple example can be a read/write transaction on a bus.
- OVM/UVM class library has ovm_transaction / uvm_transaction defined for a base transaction.
class simple_trans extends uvm_transaction;
rand data_t data;
rand addr_t addr;
rand enum {WRITE, READ} kind;
constraints c1 {addr < 16'h2000;}
Transaction Level Modeling (TLM):
- TLM is an approach that consists of multiple processes communicating with each other by sending transactions back and forth through channels.
e.g. [producer]>>--------->>[consumer]
- Group all info, bit-level etc, and channel it through.
- Abstract time
- Reduces the number of activation of processes.
- RTL evaluation of nets/signals vs evaluation of transactions.
- Abstracts data
- Form transaction objects instead of bit by bit details.
- Abstracts function
- Implement functionality with functions/processes rather than with real registers or circuits.
- TLM Makes our code reusable and efficient.
- TLM is the basis for modularity and re-use in OVM/UVM
- It is all about communication through method calls:
- A TLM port specifies the "API" to be used.
- TLM export supplies the implementation of the methods.
- Connections are between ports/exports, not components.
- Transactions are objects.
- Ports & exports are parameterized by the transaction type being communicated.
FIG: Understanding TLM (OVM/UVM) |
TLM interfaces supported:
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