*Xilinx Vivado tool has embedded IPs in it (review this section for details).
Ports (in Bold): AXI Traffic Generator (3.0) - Custom Profile |
- AXI Traffic has mainly TWO modes:
- Custom
- High-Level Traffic
- Custom allows us to generate AXI Streams for three protocols: AXI4, AXI4-Stream, AXI4-Lite.
AXI Traffic Generator (3.0): High-Level Traffic |
- High-Level Traffic is mainly used for profile(s) like Video, PCIe, Ethernet, USB, Data (not discussed here).
- Again, Custom:
- AXI4-Stream - Slave Interface which includes parameters like Data Width, ID Width, AWUSER (Write user), ARUSER Width (Read user).
- AXI4-Stream Channel has following types of channels:
- Master Only: Just to generate AXI Stream Master (shown in the below figure).
Master Only - Master ports (expanded). |
- Master Loop back: It means the AXIS generated Master (M_AXIS_MASTER) loops back to the AXIS Slave through S_AXIS_MASTER port and the IP makes a comparison. So, the send IP and the receive IP should be the same.
=> S_AXIS_MASTER == M_AXIS_MASTER. If the above condition is not okay, the counter would increase up (^).
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