Introduction to RFIC Design using ADS by Keysight

Keysight's Advanced Design System or ADS software can be used as a tool to design Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC). This post provides an introductory tutorial on how to create your first design!

  • Creating Workspace: Click on File > New > Workspace...

  • Opening the Schematic window (shown below):

  • Schematic Window with left panel showing 'lumped components': Type component name or the type of library desired.

  • Example component search: R - showing resistor, etc. as a component. The component can be added to schematic diagram window by pressing enter after the search.

  • Library Search Filter:
  • Some useful features in the schematic window to insert in the circuit design are shown below:

  • Changing the values of a component: by double clicking the component

  • Changing the values of a component: by clicking on value.

  • Using a variable: click variable icon on the top to define variables instead of using the values directly. The values can be added by clicking on 'add' after defining the variable name and value. Do not click on apply button as it would replace the value of first component instead of adding. Units can be defined either on the component or with the variable definition.

*This post is an introductory level post on RFIC design, which describes the basic ADS software features. There are many more features to be explored, and we will cover those features in the upcoming posts.
