RFIC Design: Transistor DC Simulations using ADS by Keysight

 > To design the transistor dc schematic, we are using GPDK 180 nm library:

  • Select 'nmosrf' from the palette, and select width to 5u (micron) Finger as shown below:

  • Add technology netlist as it is necessary to simulate your circuit:
  • Add DC simulation to ensure (shown below):

  • Go to sources - freq. domain on left panel, and add DC voltage:

  • Connect voltage source (-) to ground, and voltage source (+) to gate of nMOS. Name the gate input as 'G' as shown below:

  • Ground the Source and Body as below. Connect the Drain with current probe, and ground the other end of ID - drain current probe.

Edit Simulation Settings.

Simulation Settings - Standard_ic.

Naming Drain as D.

Naming current probe as ID.

  • Renaming drain-source voltage to VDS, and gate voltage to VB. Also, add variable as shown below:

  • Add parameter sweep to add sweep and simulation variables for the rectangular simulation plot (shown below):

  • Adding VDS to the plot (click and name x-axis as VDS which is already mentioned in parameter sweep above):

  • Simulation:
Adding more precise digits.

Final Simulation with line marker to observe voltage and current values.
